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    时间:2021-01-30 11:30:40 来源:写作资料库 本文已影响 写作资料库手机站

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     试卷满分:150分 考试时长:120分钟





     第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



     1. What would the woman like to help the man do?

     A. Rent an apartment. B. Look after the house. C. Find a roommate.

     2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

     A. A film. B. A travel. C. Ashow.

     3. How does the woman sound?

     A. Angry. B. Surprised. C. Pleased.

     4. Why does the man refuse to go skating?

     A. He can’t skate.

     B. He has a family get-together.

     C. He has to clean his house with his family.

     5. Where are the speakers probably?

     A. At an airport. B. In a school. C. At a dance party.




     6. What is the man doing?

     A. Renting a car. B. Booking a trip. C. Parking a car.

     7. How much should the man pay for a day?

     A. $80. B. $70. C. $50.


     8. How does the man feel now?

     A. Upset. B. Easy. C. Happy.

     9. What do we know about the man’s present job?

     A. It isn’t challenging. B. The colleagues are nice. C. It is well-paid.

     10. What does the woman suggest the man do in the end?

     A. Try the new job. B. Discuss with his wife. C. Continue in his present job.


     11. What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?

     A. Sunny. B. Snowy. C. Rainy.

     12. Why would the woman give up driving to Birmingham?

     A. The roads will be closed. B. Her car is broken. C. The roads will be icy.

     13. What will the man do if the class is canceled(取消)?

     A. Visit the woman.

     B. Invite the woman to his house.

     C. Go to the cinema.


     14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

     A. Classmates. B. Brother and sister. C. Mother and son.

     15. What does Danny say about the final exam?

     A. All the courses have exams.

     B. He spends a week preparing for it.

     C. Most questions are based on teacher’s notes.

     16. What does Danny think of sleeping in the classrooms?

     A. Difficult. B. Crazy. C. Necessary.


     17. Why did Rihanna turn to sing?

     A. To move to America.

     B. To realize her music dream.

     C. To escape from her family life.

     18. Which was Rihanna’s first album?

     A. Music of the Sun. B. Umbrella. C. Diamond.

     19. What did Rihanna do in 2017?

     A. She created a beauty brand.

     B. She set up an educational project.

     C. She built a cancer treatment center.

     20. How much did Rihanna’s foundation donate because of coronavirus?

     A. $2 million. B. $5 million. C. $ 6 million.

     第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




     Best Tours in Auckland

     Waiheke Island

     With the best of the island’s two selling points — nature and wine — this tour will have you cross through the island’s bushland, and drink award-winning wines. You’ll see New Zealand’s famously shy wildlife and native plants.

     Tour: Waiheke Island Vineyards and Bush Walk

     Money: $ 130 for a family of three


     This day tour allows you to get to some of the area’s places far away. Your guide will drop you off at Stony Bay where you will begin the 10-kilometre hike to Fletcher Bay, where you will be collected. You can enjoy its natural beauty, with the shining ocean alongside you. Don’t forget your bathing suit to make the most of the place at the end of the route.

     Tour: Coromandel Coastal Walkway Day Tour

     Money: $ 45 per person


     Explore endangered species of flora and fauna at Sanctuary Mountain. It’s a place where at-risk species can grow without human nearing them. Your guide will explain the species and the reasons they’re endangered to you.

     Tour: Guided Forest Tour of Sanctuary Mountain

     Money: $ 42 per person


     Put on your boots and helmet, and prepare to go down underground, hiking among rocks and streams. The tour is limited to six people, allowing you a much more comfortable and personalized experience.

     Tour: Glow-worm Caving Adventure

     Money: $55 per adult &. $ 25 per child

     1. Where can a person go for swimming according to the passage?

     A. Waiheke Island.

     B. Coromandel.

     C. Hamilton.

     D. Waitomo.

     2. Which tour is the cheapest for a couple with a child?

     A. Waiheke Island Vineyards and Bush Walk.

     B. Coromandel Coastal Walkway Day Tour.

     C. Guided Forest Tour of Sanctuary Mountain.

     D. Glow-worm Caving Adventure.

     3. What is special about Glow-worm Caving Adventure?

     A. People can hike a long distance.

     B. Endangered animals can be seen.

     C. The number of tourists is limited.

     D. Tourists can drink award winning wines.

     【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C


     本文为广告布告类文章。文章说明了 奥克兰的四个景点的旅游细节和旅游费用。


     细节理解题。根据第二段(Coromandel所在段落)“Your guide will drop you off at Stony Bay where you will begin the 10-kilometre hike to Fletcher Bay, where you will be collected. You can enjoy its natural beauty, with the shining ocean alongside you. Don’t forget your bathing suit to make the most of the place at the end of the route.(你们的向导会把你们送到石湾,在那里你们将开始到弗莱彻湾的10公里徒步旅行,在那里你们将被接走。你可以欣赏它的自然美景,有闪亮的大海陪伴着你。不要忘了你的游泳衣,以便在路线尽头的地方充分享受 )”可知,在弗莱彻湾有闪亮的大海,可以带泳衣去游泳;弗莱彻湾属于科罗曼德尔海岸人行道一日游(Coromandel Coastal Walkway Day Tour)地区。故选B项。


     细节理解题。根据(Waiheke Island所在段落)“Tour: Waiheke Island Vineyards and Bush Walk. Money: $ 130 for a family of three.(旅行: 怀赫克岛葡萄园和丛林步行。费用:一家三口130美元)”可知,一家三口需要130美元;根据第二段( Coromandel所在段落)“Tour: Coromandel Coastal Walkway Day Tour. Money: $ 45 per person. (旅行:科罗曼德尔海岸人行道一日游。费用:每人45美元)”可知,三个人需要135美元(45*3=135);根据第三段( Hamilton所在段落) “Tour: Guided Forest Tour of Sanctuary Mountain. Money: $ 42 per person.(旅行: 带导游的圣殿山森林之旅。费用:每人42美元)”可知,一家三口人需要花费42*3=126$;根据第四段( Waitomo所在段落)“Tour: Glow-worm Caving Adventure. Money: $55 per adult &. $ 25 per child.(旅行:萤火虫洞探险。费用:每个成年人55美元 & 每个孩子25美元)”可知,两个大人110美元,小孩25美元,一共135美元。通过比较,C选项的旅游费用最便宜。故选C项。


     推理判断题。根据第四段(Waitomo所在段落)“The tour is limited to six people, allowing you a much more comfortable and personalized experience.(参观人数限制在六人,让您有更舒适和个性化的体验)”可知, Glow-worm Caving Adventure(萤火虫洞穴探险)特殊的地方在于,旅游团有人数限制。故选C项。


     “How are you feeling, Klinker?” Dr. Blooper asked his new robot.

     “Well, I can see out of one eye,” said Klinker. “I can hear out of one ear. But my fingers are missing something at the ends. Otherwise, I feel fine.”

     Dr. Blooper laughed. “I have made a list of your missing parts,” he said. “Finishing my experiment in the other room, I will buy them.” And Dr. Blooper left.

     Feeling bored after a few minutes, Klinker moved around and saw the list: 1 eyeball, 1 eardrum, 10 fingernails. Looking at the list, Klinker suddenly had an idea. “I will surprise the doctor and buy these things myself,” Klinker thought to himself. “When he finishes, all these parts will be waiting for him.” Klinker walked out, but Dr. Blooper didn’t notice.

     Klinker’s first stop was the toy store. He chose a small ball and a toy drum and gave them to the clerks. “Dr. Blooper will pay for these,” he said. Then he crossed them off the list. “This is easy,” he said. “One thing is for sure—I have a good brain.” Next Klinker reached the hardware store. He chose ten long steel nails. After that he hurried home, singing.

     When Klinker got back, Dr. Blooper was still working. Then he had another idea. “I will put all my parts together,” he said,“What a surprise Dr. Blooper will have!” So Klinker fixed the ball into his eye socket, the drum into his ear, and the nails onto his fingers.

     Then Dr. Blooper walked into the room. He stared at Klinker. “No wonder you are so surprised,” said the happy robot. “I have bought everything and finished myself. I have everything, but I still don’t feel quite right.”

     “I will fix it right away,”he said. “But I will fix your brain first.”

     4. Which of the following seemed to be Klinker’s problem?

     A. He needed fingernails.

     B. He failed to make a list.

     C. His brain was seriously damaged.

     D. His eyes were unable to see.

     5. What did Klinker want to do at first?

     A. To help with the experiment.

     B. To get back his missing parts.

     C. To prepare his necessary parts.

     D. To surprise the doctor by leaving.

     6. What can we infer from the passage?

     A. Klinker was quite helpful in repairing itself.

     B. Klinker misunderstood the things on the list.

     C. Dr. Blooper left the missing parts on purpose.

     D. Dr. Blooper was very happy at the robot’s behavior.

     7. What can be a suitable title for the passage?

     A. A Great Brain

     B. Dr. Blooper’s Experiment

     C. A Typical Shopping Day

     D. The Unfinished Robot

     【答案】4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A




     细节理解题。根据第二段““Well, I can see out of one eye,” said Klinker. “I can hear out of one ear. But my fingers are missing something at the ends. Otherwise, I feel fine.”(Klinker说:“嗯,我有一只眼睛能看,我有一只耳朵能听见。但我的手指末端少了些东西。否则,我感觉很好。”)”可知,Klinker的问题在于他需要指甲。故选A。


     细节理解题。根据第四段中“Looking at the list, Klinker suddenly had an idea. “I will surprise the doctor and buy these things myself,” Klinker thought to himself. “When he finishes, all these parts will be waiting for him.”(看着清单,Klinker突然有了一个想法。Klinker心里想:“我要给博士一个惊喜,我自己买这些东西。当他结束实验时,所有的零件就都买好了等着他了。”)”可知,Klinker一开始想自己去准备必要的零件。故选C。


     推理判断题。根据第四段中“Feeling bored after a few minutes, Klinker moved around and saw the list: 1 eyeball, 1 eardrum, 10 fingernails.(几分钟后,Klinker觉得很无聊,他四处走动,看到了清单:一个眼球,一个耳膜,十个指甲)”以及倒数第二段“So Klinker fixed the ball into his eye socket, the drum into his ear, and the nails onto his fingers.(于是Klinker把球固定在眼窝里,把鼓固定在耳朵里,把钉子固定在手指上)”可推知,Klinker误解了清单上的东西。故选B。


     主旨大意题。根据第五段中“One thing is for sure—I have a good brain.(有一件事是肯定的——我有个很聪明的大脑)”以及最后一段中“But I will fix your brain first.(但是我要先修理你的大脑)”结合文章讲述的一个没有完成的机器人Klinker自以为很聪明,自己购买零件、自己安装的故事可知,A选项“一个聪明的大脑”最符合文章标题。故选A。


     Optimism (乐观) doesn’t mean paying no attention to things that cause stress. But when bad things happen, optimistic people are less likely to be unhappy about themselves and more likely to see the bad things as something that lasts a short time.

     A new research has found a direct connection between optimism and healthier diet and exercise behaviors, as well as better heart health, a stronger immune system (免疫系统), better lung function, and lower death risk. “Optimistic people, regardless of sex, often have goals and the confidence to reach them,” Lee said. “Those goals could include healthy habits that contribute to a longer life.”

     Studies find only about 25% of our optimism is controlled by our genes (基因), and the rest is up to us. It turns out we can actually train our brain to be more positive. Researchers studied the brains of monks (僧侣) and found surprising results: Tens of thousands of hours of meditation(冥思) had changed the function (机能) of their brains, which support positive qualities. And that may be key in producing the effect on the body.

     There are simple mental exercises to develop an optimistic attitude. One of the most effective ways to increase optimism is called the “Best Possible Self” method. That is to imagine ourselves in a future in which we have achieved all our life goals. And keeping a diary in which we list the positive experiences we had can also help shape our attitude. Taking a few minutes each day to write down what makes us thankful can improve our view on life, too.

     8. What is the meaning of Lee’s words?

     A. Goals can lead to confidence.

     B. Better lung function lowers death risk.

     C. Optimism is connected with length of life.

     D. Sex should be taken into consideration when studying optimism.

     9. Why are the brains of monks studied?

     A. To lengthen their life.

     B To improve their brains’ function.

     C. To prove optimism can be learned.

     D. To show genes’ connection with optimism.

     10. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

     A. How to be a positive person.

     B. How to make people thankful.

     C. What to write about in a diary.

     D. What to do to achieve the goals.

     11. Where is this text most likely from?

     A. A science magazine.

     B. A guidebook.

     C. A novel.

     D. A diary.

     【答案】8. C 9. C 10. A 11. A




     推理判断题。根据第二段“Optimistic people, regardless of sex, often have goals and the confidence to reach them,” Lee said. “Those goals could include healthy habits that contribute to a longer life.” 李说:“乐观的人,无论男女,通常都有目标并有信心去实现。”“这些目标可以包括有助于长寿的健康习惯。”通过Lee说的话可知,Lee认为乐观的心态会有助于长寿,即乐观和寿命长短有关。故选C项。


     推理判断题。根据第三段“Studies find only about 25% of our optimism is controlled by our genes (基因), and the rest is up to us. It turns out we can actually train our brain to be more positive.” 研究发现,我们的乐观情绪只有25%是由基因控制的,其余的则取决于我们自己。事实证明,我们可以通过训练让大脑变得更积极。文章在举僧侣的例子之前先说明了乐观情绪只有小部分由基因控制,其余的是可以通过学习的,所以研究僧侣的大脑是为了证明乐观是可以习得的。故选C项。


     主旨大意题。根据最后一段开头“There are simple mental exercises to develop an optimistic attitude.” 有一些简单的心理练习可以培养乐观的态度,紧接着例举了如何培养乐观心态的方法,所以最后一段主要是讲怎样成为一个乐观的人,故选A项。




     How much should we believe what we see online?

     The film Net Lost follows David Kim, the father of Margot, a teenage girl who disappears. To help with the investigation (调查) of the police, the father looks into Margot’s personal life. The more he discovers, the more he realizes he knew nothing about his daughter. His daughter strangely gives money to other persons online and joins in online chat rooms.

     In the film, we see how technology is important but also detrimental. While it helps David to uncover information, it asks a question: how much should we really believe? Information can be misleading.

     The film proves how real life can be different from what we see online through Margot’s Facebook. She has a few hundred friends on Facebook but none in real life. With social media everyone has a voice and hidden aim, and even her classmates only pretend to care about her. Besides, Margot’s messages are misunderstood. Social media quickly makes the public blaming the father: the father 's carelessness caused Margot’s disappearance.

     The film is recorded only through a computer screen rather than having the standard camera shots.

     This new method is pleasantly new. The filming is very cleverly done and we begin to forget that it’s all through a computer screen.

     The film manages to draw the attention and hearts of the film-goers. It has a suspense-filled (充满悬念的) story and fresh viewpoint that mirrors technology in our own lives. So, if you’re searching for a film to get lost in, this is the film for you.

     12. Why does Margot’s father research her personal life?

     A. To join in Margot’s online chat rooms.

     B. To find out whom Margot gives money to.

     C. To assist in looking into her disappearance.

     D. To make others believe what he sees online.

     13. What does the underlined word “detrimental” mean in the third paragraph?

     A. Satisfying.

     B. Believable.

     C. Harmful.

     D. Modern.

     14. What is the film trying to tell people?

     A. Margot’s father is responsible for his daughter’s disappearance.

     B. Online information may be different from reality.

     C. Social media caused the misunderstanding.

     D. A film shouldn’t be recorded through a computer.

     15. What’s the author’s attitude towards the film?

     A. Bored.

     B. Angry.

     C. Doubtful.

     D. Positive.

     【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. D




     细节理解题。根据第一段“To help with the investigation (调查) of the police, the father looks into Margot’s personal life(为了帮助调查警察,父亲调查Margot的个人生活)”可知,Margot的父亲调查她的个人生活,以协助调查她的失踪,故选C。


     词义猜测题。根据划线词后面两句“While it helps David to uncover information, it asks a question: how much should we really believe? Information can be misleading.( 虽然它帮助大卫发现信息,但它提出了一个问题:我们到底应该相信多少?信息会误导人。)”可知,这是对网络信息真实性的质疑,可知,在影片中,我们看到了科技的重要性,但它也会误导人,因此它有时候是“有害的”。选项C. Harmful(有害的)符合题意,故选C。


     细节理解题。根据第三段“The film proves how real life can be different from what we see online through Margot’s Facebook(这部电影证明了现实生活和我们在Margot的Facebook上看到的网络生活是多么的不同)”,并通过下文的例子可知,这部电影试图告诉人们网上的信息可能与现实不同,故选B。


     推理判断题。根据最后一段“The film manages to draw the attention and hearts of the film-goers. (这部电影成功地吸引了观众的注意力和心).”和“So, if you’re searching for a film to get lost in, this is the film for you(所以,如果你正在寻找一部让你入迷的电影,这就是适合你的电影)”可知,作者对这部电影评价很高,并且推荐人们去观看,可知作者对于这部影片的态度是积极的,故选D。



     Entering high school can be a great challenge. Everyone seems sure about what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. This can make you feel nervous.____16____ Here are some tips that help you have an easier start at high school.

     Start by saying hello to the people near you in class. ____17____ You could say, “Hi, I’m Jess. I’m excited about the first day of school, but I’m a little nervous. What about you?”

     People like hearing nice things about themselves. It opens the door for conversation. ____18____ The best compliments (赞扬) are specific. For example, rather than saying, “I think you’re smart,” you could say, “It’s amazing how quickly you pick up what Mr. Roberts is saying in math.”

     ____19____ Every person is unique. You are different from everyone else; every other person is, too. So accept those differences and find other people who will accept those differences, too.

     “Fitting in” often means changing yourself to go unnoticed in a group. “Belonging” means the group actively wants you to be there. It feels easier to hide parts of yourself to fit in. However, living in a way that’s not true to yourself will make you feel worse over time. ____20____

     A. It also makes both of you feel good.

     B. Remember to accept the differences.

     C. Always try to be the different one in a group.

     D This can be kind of difficult at the beginning.

     E. People can’t get to know you if you never say anything.

     F. Being yourself will help you find others who are like you.

     G. But the truth is that everyone is a little unsure in high school.

     【答案】16. G 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. F




     根据上文“Everyone seems sure about what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. This can make you feel nervous.每个人似乎都很确定自己在做什么并知道怎么去做,这使你感到焦虑。)”以及下文“Here are some tips that help you have an easier start at high school.(这里有一些建议可以帮助你轻松开始你的高中生活)”可知此处需要一个承上启下的过渡句,与上文形成转折并引出下文的建议,选项G. But the truth is that everyone is a little unsure in high school(但是事实是每个人对高中生活都有点不确定。)承接上文表转折,说明情况并不像你看到的那样,引出下文的具体建议,故选G。


     根据上文“Start by saying hello to the people near you in class.(从跟班上的同学打招呼开始。)”这是教你如何跟同学开展友谊,再结合下文“You could say”教你如何表达,可知空格承上启下。选项D中This can be kind of difficult at the beginning(这刚开始有点困难。)句中This衔接上文“Start by saying hello”,“kind of difficult at the beginning”说明刚开始有点困难,紧接着下文教你如何表达,故衔接下文“You could say…”。故选D。


     根据上文“People like hearing nice things about themselves.(人们喜欢听关于自己的好话)”可知空格处要讲述讲好话的好处。选项A. It also makes both of you feel good.(这会让你们感觉都好。)句中it指代上文中的“hearing nice things about themselves.”,并且讲述了说好听的话的好处。故选A。


     根据下文“Every person is unique.(每个人都是独一无二的)”以及“So accept those differences and find other people who will accept those differences, too.(所以接受这些不同点并且也找到愿意接受这些不同点的人。)”结合空格处放在段首总领全段,可知空格处应表示让你接受不同点。选项B. Remember to accept the differences.(记得接受这些不同点。)句中“accept the differences.”对应下文中的“So accept those differences…”。故选B。


     根据上文“However, living in a way that’s not true to yourself will make you feel worse over time.(然而,久而久之,过不忠于自己的生活方式会让你感觉更糟。)”可知,还是要做自己。选项F. Being yourself will help you find others who are like you.(做自己才能帮助你找到和你一样的人。)句子being yourself对应上文中的“ true to yourself ”。故选F。

     第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分45分)



     It had been a month since anything had happened to brighten my day. I had just moved to a(n) ____21____ town. I missed my family and friends so much that I felt ____22____ almost everyday.

     A week before Halloween, I opened my mailbox and ____23____ found a bright oran