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    时间:2021-01-24 11:15:07 来源:写作资料库 本文已影响 写作资料库手机站


     大都会 耗子成为了货币单位 齐别根纽.赫伯特 20 世纪后期波兰诗人

     散文家 越南

     赞比亚和马拉维 货币单位 ·马克 1903-1970 生于俄♥罗♥斯♥的美国画家 罗斯科礼拜堂是得克萨斯州休斯敦的一个非教派的教堂兼当代艺术画廊 埃里克·萨蒂 1866-1925 法国作曲家 幽灵正在世间徘徊 资本主义的幽灵 图波列夫图-160

     前苏联战略轰炸机 伊玛目

     伊♥斯♥兰♥教首领或学者 苏丹

     某些伊♥斯♥兰♥国家统治者的称号♥ 美国纽约州东部岛屿 去哪 Where? 我要理发 I want a haircut. 总统来了 The president"s in town. 兰我们什么事 We don"t care. 我要理发

     我们去城市另一边 We need a haircut. We need to go across town. 现在车堵得太厉害 We"ll hit traffic that speaks in quarter inches. 我问问 Just so I know... 你说的是哪国总统 ...which president are we talking about? 美国 United States. 到处都有路障 Barriers will be setup. 好多路都没法走 Entire streets deleted from the map. 带我坐车去 Show me my car. 什么结果 What have we learned then?


     滴水不漏 Our system is secure. We"re impenetrable. 没有破坏程序 There"s no rogue program. 但是看起来... It would seem, however... 埃里克


     我们都查了 Eric! No, we ran every test. 没人洪水攻击 No one"s overloading the system

     也没人在操控我们的网站 or manipulating our sites. 什么时候测的 When do we do all this? 昨天在总部 Yesterday. At the complex, 应急小组测的 our rapid response team. 没有注入点 There is no vulnerable point of entry. 保险公♥司♥对威胁进行了评估 Our insurer did a threat analysis. 我们很安全 We are buffered from attack. -所有地方

     -没错 - Everywhere. - Yes. 包括车 Including the car? 包括

     当然包括 Including, absolutely, yes. 我的车

     这辆车 My car, this car... 埃里克


     拜托 Eric, yes! Please... 我们

     你和我 We"ve been together, you and I, 自小开始就在一起了 since the little-bitty startup. 我想知道你是否还有足够的毅力 I want you to tell me that you still have


     the stamina to do this job. -是不是还有衷心


     你的车 - The single-mindedness. - This car, your car... 有不顾一切的意志力 The relentless will. 因为外面一直有咱俩的传言 "cause I keep hearing about our legend 说我们年轻

     聪明 that we were young, smart 是狼养大的 and raised by wolves. 但名誉这种事很微妙 But that the phenomena of reputation is a delicate thing. 信誉一言而立 Person rises on a word 亦半字可毁 and falls on a syllable. 我知道我问错人了 I know I"m asking the wrong man. 又怎么了 Oh, what? 昨天测试时这车在哪里 Where"s the car last night after we ran our tests? 我...我不知道 I... I don"t know. 这些豪华轿车晚上都去哪了 Where do all these limos go at night? 我知道我是换话题了 I know I"m changing the subject. 最近一直睡不好 Haven"t been sleeping much. 就翻翻书

     喝点白兰地 I look at books and drink brandy. 这些整日在忙碌的城市中逡巡 What happens to all these stretched limousines

     的加长轿车都去哪了 that prowl the throbbing city all day long? 他们在哪过夜 Where do they spend the night? 怎么了 What?

     你就仍来不觉得 Do you ever get the feeling, 其实你对外面一无所知吗 sometimes, that you don"t know what"s going on? 我该知道你这是什么意思吗 Do I wanna ask you what you mean by that? 外面一直这么乐观 All this optimism. 一切都蒸蒸日上 All this booming and soaring. 爆♥炸♥式增长 Things happen like...bang! 突然这个增长了

     那个也增长了 This! And that! Simultaneous. 但是我能感受到这些吗 I put out my hand and what do I feel? 我知道你每时每刻 I know there are a thousand things


     模式 you analyze every 10 minutes-- patterns, 比率


     一大堆信息 ratio, indexes, whole maps of information. 我热爱信息 I love information. 埃里克

     这是我们表面上的和风细雨 Eric, this is our sweetness and light. 真♥他♥妈♥是个奇迹 It is a fuckall wonder 我们在世上还有存在的意义 and we have meaning in this world. 别人都生活在我们所作所为的阴影下 People eat and sleep in the shadow of what we do. 但与此同时 But at the same time, 又怎么样 what? 我们为什么在车上

     不在办公室里 Any special reason we"re in the car instead of the office? 你为什么觉得我们该在办公室里 What makes you think we"re in the car instead of the office? 如果我回答了这个问题

     If I answer that question... 基于什么前提 Based on what premise? 我知道我会说点什么 I know I"ll say something

     假装挺聪明 that"s half-way clever, 但却很浅薄 but...also shallow 大概一定程度上也不准确 and probably inaccurate on some level 然后你就该同情我笨得不该活在世上了 and then you will pity me for having been born. 我们在车上

     因为我要理发 We"re in the car "cause I need a haircut. 让理发师去办公室啊

     在那里剪 Get the barber come to the office, get a haircut there 要么来车上也行啊 or have the barber come to your car, just... 赶紧理完去办公室 get your haircut and go to the office. 理发店有什么 A haircut has what? 理发店的氛围 Associations. 墙上的挂历

     到处挂的镜子 Calendar on the wall, mirrors everywhere. 这里连理发椅都没有 There"s no barber chair here.


     没什么能转的 山纳 Nothing swivels but the chair you"re in, Shiner. 你的车呢 Where"s your car? 似乎找不到了 We can"t seem to find it. 我本可以载你一程的 I"d offer you a ride. 不行

     绝对不行 I couldn"t. Absolutely. 我知道你在路上工作 I know you work en route

     我也挺喜欢的士 and I like taxis. 我地理一直不好 I was never good at geography and I learned 我可以问问这些来自世界各地的司机 things by asking the drivers where they come from. 他们来自于恐惧和绝望 They come from horror and despair. 是

     没错 Yes, exactly. 在一个动荡中的国家坐的士 One learns about the country where unrest is occurring 能学到不少 by riding the taxis here. 好久没见你了 I haven"t seen you in a while. 我早上找你来着 I looked for you this morning. 原来你的眼睛是蓝的 Your eyes are blue. 吃早饭了吗 Have you eat breakfast yet? 没有 No. 正好

     我想吃点耐嚼的东西 Good. I"m hungry for something thick and chewy. 你仍来没告诉我你的眼睛是蓝色的 You never told me you were blue-eyed. 我们该说些什么 What are we going to talk about? 我想在屋顶建个直升机场 I want a heliport on the roof. 我获得了领空使用权 I"ve acquired the air rights, 但还需要区域规划的许可 but we still need the zoning variance. 你不吃吗 Don"t you wanna eat? 电梯组旁边还有个射击场 There"s a shooting range next to the elevator bank. 说说我们吧

     Let"s talk about us. 你和我吗 You and I? 都兯进早餐了

     就说说吧 We"re here so we might as well. 我们什么时候能再做♥爱♥ When are we going to have sex again? 会的 我保证 We will, I promise. 好久没做了 We haven"t in a while now. 你知道

     我工作的时候 When I work, you see... 精力很宝贵 the energy is precious. 写作的时候 When you write? 是的 Yes. 你都去哪写作的 Where do you do this? 我还找你来着

     爱丽丝 I look for you, Elise. 找地方窝起来了 I curl up somewhere. 我总是这样 I"ve always done this. 原来我妈妈总是派人去找我 My mother used to send people to find me 女仆

     花匠什么的 搜遍房♥子和花♥园♥ maids and gardeners, combing the house and grounds. 她一直以为我和环境融为一体了 She thought I was dissolvable in water. 我喜欢你妈妈 I like your mother. 你有你妈妈的胸 You have your mother"s breasts. 她的胸 Her breasts? 乳♥房♥♥又大又挺 Great stand-up tits.


     你要去哪 Tell me this: where will you go now? 去开会

     去办公室 To a meeting somewhere? To your office? 你办公室在哪 Where is your office? 你到底是做什么的 What do you do exactly? 你知道很多东西

     你以为这是自己的事业 You know things. I think this is what you do. 你致力于了解一切 I think you"re dedicated to knowing. 获得信息 I think you acquire information 然后转化为强大的力量 and turn it into something stupendous and awful. 你是个危险的人

     不是吗 You are a dangerous person. Do you agree? 有远见的人 A visionary. 总部发来报告 A report from the Complex. 可置信威胁

     不可忽视 It"s a credible threat, not to be dismissed. 如果我们要横穿城区 Which means riding cross town is... 我们经历过无数威胁

     都是可置信威胁 We"ve had numerous threats, all credible. 我不是还活着呢吗 I"m still standing here. 不是说你有危险

     是他 Not a threat to your safety, to his. 他他妈是谁 Who the fuck is "his"? 总统 The president"s. 也就是说要穿越城区 This means a ride cross town... 得花上一天时间 does not happen unless we make a day of it,


     with cookies and milk. 还有人喜欢射杀总统吗 Do people still shoot at presidents? 杀别人不是比他刺♥激♥多了 I thought there were more stimulating targets. 下个街区就有两家美发沙龙 In the next block, there are two haircutting saloons, 第一家和第二家 there"s one and two. 不用非走那么远 No need to go cross town 现在情况不稳定 Situation is unstable. 我记得这个微笑

     迈克尔 I know that smile, Michael. 我觉得人♥民♥币 I think the yuan... 我有理由相信 I mean there"s reason to believe 我们投机的有点轻率了 we may be leveraging too rashly. 行情会转向我们的 It"s gonna turn our way. 是


     每次都是 Yes I know. It always has. 你刚说到的轻率 The rashness you think you see. 现在的市场毫无规律可循 What is happening doesn"t chart. 有规律 It charts. 得看的更深层次点罢了 You just have to search a little harder. 不要相信标准模型 Don"t trust standard models, 不要局限自己的思维 think outside the limits. 人♥民♥币是在表达自己的态度


     就够了 The yuan is making a statement. Read it, then leap. 我们这次可赌大了 We are betting big time here.


     我没有别的意思 I know that smile, and I wanna respect it, 但人♥民♥币不可能再增值了 but the yuan can"t go any higher. 我想依靠它 I wanna trust it. 我们借贷的数量太大了 We"re borrowing enormous enormous sums. 那些挑战你认知能力的东西 Any assault on the borders of perception 一开始都显得轻率 is gonna seem rash at first... 得了吧

     我们就是在瞎投机 Yeah, come on, we"re speculating into the void! 你妈妈说你这微笑是仍你♥爸♥那学的 Your mother blamed the smile on your father. 他一直怪她 He blamed her, 这也影响到了他们俩的兰系 there"s something deadly about it, 他怪她当初以为得让你去接受特别教育呢 she thought she had to enroll you in special counseling. 我觉得我们该调整策略 I think we ought to adjust. 山纳呢 Where"s Shiner? 去机场的路上 On his way to the airport. 为什么要叫机场呢 Why are they called airports? 我知道我回答了这问题 I know I can"t answer these questions

     你就不尊敬我了 without losing your respect. 山纳说我们的网络是安全的 Shiner told me our network is secure. 那就是安全的 Then it is. 不会被侵入 Safe from penetrations. 那我为什么总能看到未来

     Then why am I seeing things that haven"t happened yet? 你多大了 How old are you? 22. 怎么了

     22 岁 What? 22! 你看着更年轻 You look younger. 我原来也是

     比大家看着都年轻 I was always younger than anyone around me. 有一天突然就变了 One day I began to change. 我不觉得年轻 I don"t feel younger. 我觉得完全无所适仍 I feel located totally nowhere. 我想放弃了 Think I"m ready to quit, 不干这行了 basically the business. 不可能的 把口香糖塞嘴里

     你能不嚼吗 Better put a stick of gum in your mouth and try not to chew it. 你这么年轻

     又这么有才 For someone your age with your gifts, 世上只有一件事 there"s only one thing in the world


     让你当做事业 worth pursuing both professionally and intellectually. 是什么

     迈克尔 What is it, Michael? 科技和资本之间的互动 The interaction between technology and capital, 它们是不可分割的 the inseparability. 高中之后就没什么能难倒我的了 Highschool was the last true challange. 我读到一首诗里写 There"s a poem I read in which 耗子成为了新的货币单位 the rat becomes the unit of currency. 是吗


     Yes? That would be interesting. 是

     肯定会影响世界经济 Yeah, that would impact the world economy. 名字就不错

     比盾和克瓦查好 The name alone, better than the dong or the kwacha. -名字说明一切

     -是 - The name says everything. - Yes. 耗子 The rat. 耗子兑欧元今日收低 Yes, the rat close lower today against the euro. 没错

     人们日益担忧 Yes. there"s going concern that 俄♥罗♥斯♥耗子会贬值 the Russian rat will be devalued. 白耗子

     想想看 White rats, think about that. 对了

     还有怀孕耗子 Yes, pregnant rats. 大肆抛售俄♥罗♥斯♥怀孕耗子 Major sell-offs of pregnant Russian rats. 英国转换货币为耗子 Britain converts to the rat. 加入了通用货币的潮流 Joins trend to universal currency. 所有美元都可以兑换为耗子吗 Is every US dollar redeemable for rat? 死耗子 Dead rats! 没错

     囤积死耗子导致 Yes, stockpiling of dead rats called 全球性健康威胁 global health menace. 你现在多大了 How old are you,

     既然你已经不比大家小了 now that you"re not younger than everyone else? 我约了你吗 Was I expecting you? 就是路过 Just passing by.


     是吗 Thought you"d drop in, did you? 不错

     我喜欢 That"s nice. I"m glad. 有一段时间了 Been a while. 我当然读到过 I read about it. Of course. 要么就是在电视上看的 Or did I see it on TV? 什么 What? 什么

     婚礼啊 What? The wedding! 我还奇怪

     你怎么不告诉我 Strange you didn"t tell me. -没那么奇怪

     -不奇怪吗 - It"s not so strange. - Not so strange? 两大财团 Two great fortunes! 就像古代欧洲王室之间的 Like one of those great arranged marriages 那种包办婚姻 of old empire Europe. 只不过我不是欧洲王室

     是个纽约的花♥花♥公♥子♥ Except I"m a world citizen with a New York pair of balls. 你俩到底有几亿资产 So how many billions together do you two represent? 她是个诗人 She"s a poet. 是吗 Is that what she is? 我还以为她是希福林家的 I thought she was a Shifrin. 两者都算吧 Little of both. 如此富有而欢快 So rich and crisp. 她让你碰她的私处吗 Does she let you touch her personal parts? 你今天很漂亮

     You look gorgeous today. 是对于一个 41 岁 For someone who"s 41

     才明白自己问题在哪的女人来说很漂亮 and finally understands what her problem is. 什么问题 What"s that? 生命 Life is... 太短暂了 too contemporary. 你妻子多大 So how old is your consort? 算了

     我不想听 Nevermind, I don"t wanna know. 让我闭嘴吧 Tell me to shut up. 就再问一个问题 Oh, one more question. 她床上功夫怎么样 Is she good in bed? 在豪华轿车里功夫又怎么样 Is she good in the limo? 还不知道呢 I don"t know yet. 这就是有钱人的问题 Aww, that"s the trouble with old money. 现在可以让我闭嘴了 Now tell me to shut up. 我知道件你感兴趣的事 I know something you wanna know. 什么 What"s that? 我有幸知道 There"s a Rothko in private hands 有一幅私人收藏的罗斯科的画 that I have the privileged knowledge of. 马上要出手了 It"s about to become available. 你见过 You"ve seen it?


     三四年前 Three, four years ago, yes. 它的确 It is... 美枀了 luminous. 那个礼拜堂呢 What about the chapel? 礼拜堂怎么了 What about it? 我在想那个礼拜堂 I"ve been thinking about the chapel. 你不能买♥♥下整个礼拜堂 You can"t buy the god-damn chapel. 为什么不能 How do you know? 联♥系♥下负责人 Contact the principals. 我以为你有那幅画就开心了 I thought you"d be thrilled about the painting.

     就那一幅 One painting. 你还没有罗斯科的名作 You don"t have a important Rothko


     我们说过的 and you"ve always want one, we"ve talked about this! 那个礼拜堂里有多少幅画 How many paintings in this chapel? 我不知道 I don"t know. 4 幅

     15 幅 14? 15? 如果他们要卖♥♥

     我会保持原样的 If they"re selling the chapel, I"ll keep it intact. 告诉他们 Tell them! 保持原样

     放在哪 Keep it intact? Where? 告诉他们 Tell them! 在我公♥寓♥里


     In my apartment there"s sufficient space. 还能腾出更多的地方 I can make more space. 但人们要看画作 But people need to see it. 那就让他们买♥♥啊 Let them buy it. 比我出更高的价啊 Let them outbid me. 原谅我的语气 Forgive the pissed way I say this, but 但罗斯科礼拜堂是属于世界的 the Rothko chapel belongs to the world. 我要买♥♥了就是我的了 It"s mine if I buy it. 他们想要多少 How much do they want for it? 他们不想卖♥♥ They don"t wanna sell the chapel 我也不想教你自我否定 and I don"t wanna give you lessons 或是给你讲社会责仸 in self-denial and social responsibility 因为我仍来不相信 because I don"t believe for a second 你有看起来的这么冷血 you"re as cruel as you sound. 卖♥♥多少 How much? 花钱是什么感觉 What does it mean to spend money? 花一美金

     花一百万 A dollar? A million? -买♥♥一幅画吗

     -买♥♥仸何东西 - For a painting? - For anything. 我现在有两架私人电梯 I have two private elevators now. 一架一直以四分之一倍速 One is programmed to play Satie piano pieces, 播放萨蒂的钢琴曲 and move at one-quarter the normal speed.

     萨蒂的曲子就该这样 This is right for Satie 我特殊时期才乘这架电梯 and this is the elevator I take when I"m in a certain... 或者说 let"s say... 情绪不太稳定的时候

     它能安抚我 unsettled mood. It calms me, makes me whole. 另一架播谁 Who"s the other elevator? 菲兹兄弟 Brother Fez. 那是谁 Who"s that? 苏菲派说唱明星

     你不知道吗 The Sufi rap star. You don"t know this? 我不知道的多了 I miss things. 我现在都不知道钱到底是什么了 I don"t know what money is anymore. 我今天在大把大把的赔钱 I"m losing money by the ton today. 不知道赔了多少 Many millions. 都赔在人♥民♥币上了 Betting against the yuan. 人♥民♥币区不是还在睡觉吗 Isn"t the yuan asleep? 货币市场仍来不休息 Currency markets never close. 上证指数日夜不停地在变化 Shanghai runs day and night,


     都是永不停歇的 all the major exchanges, seven days a week. 这个我就不知道 I miss that. 我不知道的非常多 I miss a lot. 有几百万 How many millions? 上亿

     Hundreds of millions. 你多大 How old are you? 8 了 ? 28. 我想让你去礼拜堂

     给他们出个价 I want you to go to the chapel and make them an offer. 不管多少钱 Whatever it takes. 那里的东西我都要

     连墙也要买♥♥ I want everything that"s there. Walls and all. 我记得你告诉过我 I remember what you told me once. 什么 What"s that? 滥用的才能最性感 Talent is more erotic when it"s wasted. 我那是什么意思 What did I mean? 能说话吗 A word? 说 Yeah. 总部建议增强安保 Complex recommends extra security. 你不高兴 You"re not happy about this. 不

     对总统有威胁 No. First, a threat to the president. 你确信能处理所有情况吗 You"re confident you can handle whatever it comes up? 有人袭击了国际货币基金组织的 Now an attack on the managing director of the 执行总裁 International Monetary Fund. -亚瑟·拉普吗 -对

     亚瑟·拉普 - Arthur Rapp? - Arthur Rapp, yes. -在哪


     耐基 - Where? - Nike, North Korea, 电视采访的时候

     while being interviewed on television. 所有台都在播 It"s on all the channels. 拉普总裁

     这会改变你对人♥民♥币的货币政策吗 Director Rapp, will this change your policy on the yuan? 人♥民♥币一反常态的反弹了 The yuan is uncharacteristically inflated,

     这种反弹很不稳定 which makes it unstable 人♥民♥币最终会回落

     但当... and eventually it will drop, and when it... 总部 The Complex... 接收他们的建议 accept their recommendation. 好 Good. 天哪

     这些豪华车 All these limos, my God,

     都长得一个样子 that you can"t tell one from another. 里面说不定是参加毕业舞会的小孩呢 We could be kids on prom night. 或者去什么地方参加婚礼的 Or some dumb wedding wherever. 我们的个性去哪了 What"s the charm of identical? 作为一个有权有势的人 That I"m a powerful person that 我不用撒尿标地界这种通俗的方式 chooses not to demarcate his territory with 来证明自己

     有问题吗 singular driblets of piss, is what? 我倒该为此道歉了吗 Something I need to apologize for? 我真想回去在我的千里马里边好好爽爽 I want to go home and tongue-kiss my Maxima. 说起来

     你知道今天是什么日子吗 You now what today is? Incidentally... -知道


     该死的 - I know. - It"s my day off, dammit!

     我知道 I know this. 我需要休息

     急需 I need this extra day, desperately. -我知道

     -你不知道 - I know this. - But you don"t know this. 你不会知道是什么感觉 You can"t know what it"s like, 我是个挣扎中的单身母亲 I am a single struggling mother. 我们有情况了 We have a situation here. 我是个做妈妈的 正在公园里跑步 I am a mother running in the park

     然后手♥机♥在我肚脐眼上狂震 when my phone explodes in my navel 我还以为是我孩子的保姆 I think it"s the kid"s nanny 来告诉我孩子烧到 40 度了 who never calls unless the kid"s fever reaches 105. 但我们有状况了 But it"s the situation, it.... 我们是有状况 we have a situation alright, 我们的人♥民♥币套利交易几小时内要压垮我们 we have a yuan carry that can crush us in hours. 喝点水

     坐到后面座位上 Take some water. Sit on the banquette. 我喜欢面对面讲话 I like face to face. 而且我不用看那些屏幕 And I don"t need to look at all those screens, 我知道是怎么回事 I know what"s happening. 人♥民♥币会贬值的 The yuan will fall. 没错 That"s right. 消费者支出下降 Consumer spending"s down. 没错

     That"s right. 但中国银行还维持利率不变 Besides which, the Bank of China left the interest rates unchanged. 今天发生的 This happened today? 今晚在上海发生 This happened tonight in Shanghai, 我打电♥话♥问了深圳的一个线人 I called the source at Shenzhen. 跑步的时候 While running? 是为了不迟到没命的冲过 While flinging my body down Maddison Avenue, 麦迪逊大道的时候 to get here on time. 人♥民♥币不能再升值了 The yuan can"t go any higher. 没错

     但它就是正在升值 That"s true, that"s right. Except it just did. 我昨晚没睡着 Hadn"t sleep last night. 我们没空等你开口 There"s a time limit. -印格兰医生

     -你是什么人 - Doctor Ingram. - Who the fuck are you? 印格兰医生 Doctor Ingram. 内维斯医生呢 Where"s Doctor Nevius? 他接了个电♥话♥就突然走了

     私人事务 Called away suddenly. A personal matter. 慢点说

     说清楚 Speak slowly and clearly. 他接了电♥话♥就走了


     家里的事 Called away suddenly, I don"t know, a family crisis... 我是他的副手 I"m the associate,

     我清洗过你的耳洞 I...I... flushed out your ear holes once. 为什么做这个 You do this why?

     什么 What? 每天 Everyday. 不管 No matter...? 不管我在哪

     没错 Wherever I am, that"s right. 无乱如何 No matter. 那你检查什么

     每天都一样吗 So you do what? Same routine every day? 不一样

     看情况了 Varies. Depending. 那他有时去你家 So he comes to your house. 真好

     在周末 Nice! On weekends. 我们会死


     在周末 We die, Jane, on weekends. 所有人

     事实就是这样 People. It happens. 没错 You"re right. 我没想到这点 I didn"t think of that. 我们因周末而死 We die because it"s the weekend. 我以为车在前进 I thought we were moving, 但现在不动了 but we"re not anymore. 总统来了 The president"s in town. 没错 You"re right. 我忘了

     我仍公园跑出来时好像看见他了 I forgot. I though I"ve seen him when I ran out of the park. 有一辆豪华轿车在第五大道行驶 There"s an entourage of limousines going 周围跟着摩托护卫

     down 5th with a motorcycle escort. 我以为这些豪车全是迎接总统的 I thought all these limos are for the president, 这我能理解 I can understand, 但却是去一位名流的葬礼 but it was for somebody famous"s funeral. 我们每天都在死亡 We die everyday. 这个该怎么办 What do we do about this? 让它自生自灭 Let it express itself. 怎么

     不管它吗 What? Do nothing? 让它自生自灭 Let it express itself. 你可以起来了 You can stand up now. 听好 So, look, 有两条对我们有利的传言 we have two rumors working on our favor. 第一

     未来 6 个月会有一波破产浪潮 First, there"s the bankruptcies for six straight months. 逐月增加

     愈演愈烈 More each month, more on the way. 包括很多中国企业

     这很好 Large Chinese corporations. This is good. 人♥民♥币必将下跌 The yuan will drop. 人们失去了信心

     这将迫使人♥民♥币下跌 This is loss of faith. It will force the yuan to drop. 美元将稳步上升 Dollar will settle up. 人♥民♥币会下跌

     琴在哪 The yuan will drop. Where"s Chin? 在处理图表信息 Working on visual patterns. 这种事根本没有规律 This thing doesn"t chart.

     有的 It charts. 这不像技术股的走势图 It doesn"t chart the way you chart technology stocks 能仍上面找到规律 you can find real patterns there, 找到符吅模式的部分 locate predictin